The Starfish Foundation

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Chuck Dennis and Dennis Cady

A Responsibility to Help the Less Fortunate

About Dennis Cady, Our Founder

Take a minute to learn more about the man behind our organization and the reason he decided to create The Starfish Foundation.

A Life of Privilege

Here in America, we live in luxury when compared to many people across the globe. Even those of us on a fixed income have more opportunities than the majority of the human population. We've become so used to our way of life that we assume it is the norm. It is not.

In the United States, we have a stable government, free public education, available medical care, and the capital to make dreams a reality for those with a good work ethic. The existence of these factors opens up doors that people in some countries will never be able to access.

At The Starfish Foundation, we recognize that the primary difference between the impoverished populations of third-world countries and us is that we were born here, and they were born there. By recognizing our good fortune, we can use it to make a real impact on the lives of our fellow humans. And Americans have stepped up: we are frequently the first to respond and contribute the most when needs must be met. But there is always more we can do.

Our Founder

Dennis Cady has always been passionate about helping others around the world. At the age of 20, he went to Southeast Asia as a missionary. Today, he has traveled to over 20 countries in North, Central, and South America, Asia, Europe, the Caribbean, and Africa. He has met and interacted with multitudes of people of all backgrounds, colors, and beliefs — many of whom had never heard the Gospel of Christ. Dennis has witnessed poverty and hopelessness that would break the heart of any caring person.

Having witnessed these hardships, Dennis knew he had to do something about it. However, he was unwilling to simply send a check to an international aid organization — these organizations can consume as much as 40% of every dollar received just to pay for their overhead. So, Dennis decided to form a 501(c)(3) foundation as a vehicle through which he could change lives and create opportunities for those who have so little. The Starfish Foundation had been born.

Dennis & Dennis

In 2012, Chuck Dennis joined The Starfish Foundation, and today, he continues on as one of our dedicated partners. Chuck is an accountant, an attorney, and a home builder — all talents that are huge assets to our organization. He has even led many medical mission trips in Nicaragua. Chuck Dennis and Dennis Cady enjoy the name confusion created when they introduce themselves! Beyond sharing a name, both men share a belief in Christianity and use this belief to inform their future plans and actions.

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